Wrongful Death

In Kentucky, any personal injury matter could result in a person's death. These cases, where a person dies due to the negligence, recklessness, or intentional acts of another, are called wrongful death suits. Examples of situations which acts of another have caused a death include, but are not limited to:
- Person dies after being struck by a drunk driver;
- Person dies due to the careless driving of another;
- Person dies after falling down a flight of broken stairs;
- Person dies after taking the wrong medication;
- Person dies after being neglected or abused in a nursing home; or
- Person dies after being attacked by a dog.
These are but a few types of examples. A wrongful death suit could result from any time a person or business bears some responsibility for injury to another, which then results or contributes to that person's death.
Our firm represents the Estates of families who have lost a loved one in Kentucky due to the fault of others. This can be a very trying time for the family as they grieve for their lost loved one. The deceased family member may have been a wage earner for the family who is now left to financially struggle. At the Ackerson Law Offices, we work hard to make sure that:
- grieving families are taken care of;
- the legal rights of the family are protected;
- that insurance companies treat the family fairly;
- that the family is compensated for the medical bills, funeral expenses, and receives money to offset the lost income that their deceased loved one would have provided for them.
If you or a loved one has lost a family member in Kentucky due to the fault of another, contact us to discuss your legal options. We will take the time to review your case with you and inform you of what your legal rights are.
You can contact us by email (fill out the Contact Us section at the top right of this page or email Kentucky wrongful death attorney Brent T. Ackerson at brent@kyfirm.com or click here to contact us online) or call us directly at (502) 882-5176. We will quickly return your calls and respond to your emails, even on nights and weekends.